I. Regulations

Measures for the Administration of Organic Product Certification (2015 Revision)

The state implements a unified certification system for organic products, a unified certification catalogue, unified standards and implementation rules, and unified certification marks. The State Accreditation Regulatory Commission is responsible for formulating and adjusting the catalogue of certification of organic products, implementing rules of certification, and publishing them to the public.

Organic products refer to the products that are produced, processed and sold for human consumption and animal consumption in accordance with the national standards for organic products in China. When the content of organic ingredients (weight or volume of liquid, excluding water and salt) is equal to or higher than 95% of the processed products, the word “organic” shall be marked on the package and label of the products or products and the certification mark of the organic products shall be added after obtaining the certification of the organic products.

Organic products exported to China from countries or regions that have signed relevant memorandums with the State Accreditation and Supervision Commission shall be managed in accordance with the memorandum.

Imported products from countries or regions that have not signed relevant memorandums with CNCA on the equivalence of the certification system shall comply with the relevant laws and regulations of China and the requirements of the national standards for organic products. The manufacturer, seller, importer or agent of imported products (collectively referred to as the certification principal of imported organic products) shall submit the certification principal to the certification authority approved by CNCA.

II. Standardization

GB/T 19630-2019: Requirements for Organic Products-Sep.2019

The GB/T 19630 is applicable to all organic products sold in the Chinese market. All products, including those produced and imported domestically, can be legally sold as organic products in the Chinese market only if they have passed the certification of this standard. The standard is divided into four parts, which stipulate the requirements of organic production, organic processing, labeling and marketing, and management system.

III. Implementation Rules for Certification

On November 13, the Certification and Accreditation Administration of China-CNCA issued rules for the implementation of certification of organic products to revise the 2014 version. The newly revised implementation rules shall come into force from January 1st, 2020

IV. Organic Products Catalogue 2019

On November 13, 2019, CNCA revised the catalogue, and the bellow previous announcements will be repealed from now on. There are 46 categories, involving 1136 kinds of products in revised catalogue.

Contact us for New detailed Catalogue